Join Us Sunday Mornings
for Worship:
Traditional Service 9am
Hymns, Traditional Liturgy, Sermon, Communion*
Contemporary Service 11am
(Children’s Church & Nursery Available)
Modern Worship Music, Sermon, Communion*
*In the United Methodist Church
all are welcome to take communion
Who is Community of Faith?
We are a motley crew on a
Journey of Faith
a journey initiated by God’s grace.
We do not walk this journey alone,
but in community.
We worship God in a laid-back style.
We embrace the truth of Scripture,
while wrestling with its
meaning in our lives.
We are not afraid of
doubts and questions
and we hunger to grow
deeper in our faith.
We invite you to come as you are,
because God loves you – PERIOD!
At Community of Faith
This Sunday’s Message:
Item of the week
(please bring item on the Sunday listed)
9/22 – Baby Formula
10/6 – Canned soup
10/13 – Oatmeal
10/20 – Canned Meat
10/27 – Spices and seasonings
11/3 – Canned Vegetables / instant potatoes
November – Goal to collect 400 boxes of instant potatoes for Thanksgiving with House Blest
At Community of Faith we support House Blest. House Blest is a local food bank that serves thousands of individuals and families each year. Please bring this week’s item to worship on Sunday so that we may address specific needs for House Blest. You may always bring other non-perishable items for donation. Thank you for your continued support of this very worthy organization.
We always have room for you.
Hope to see you soon!