That there is one God,
and that God exists eternally in three distinct persons
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That God spoke the Universe into existence and put the galaxies in their places. He also set human beings apart as the centerpiece of creation. He made human beings in his image, giving us the capacity to enjoy a personal relationship with God.
That we human beings chose to reject God’s gift of relationship and do our own thing instead.
That God is so crazy in love with us that he pursued us anyway.
That the ultimate expression of God’s loving pursuit of us is the person of Jesus—God in human flesh who voluntarily died on the cross to forgive us of our sins and rose to new life so that we might be set free.
That salvation involves saying “Yes!” to God’s gift of love, consciously turning away from doing life our own way, and instead following Jesus.
That faith is a journey not a destination. We continue to grow in salvation through spiritual practices, which include (among others): prayer, attending worship, studying the Bible, and receiving Holy Communion.
That faith is to be lived out, especially in service to our neighbors.
That Jesus will return one day in triumph.